Contrary to the modern concepts surgery was pioneered by Ayurveda in Ancient India. It is a significant branch of Ayurveda. The name of the sage physician SUSHRUTA is synonymous with surgery. From his treatise Susruta Samhita we come to know that thousands of years ago sophisticated methods of surgery were practiced in India.
DISEASES TREATED: According to Sushruta, Shalya Tantra is best suited, when the problem is beyond just medicinal repair. In cases like, Arbuda (Abscesses, Cysts), Gandamala (Enlarged Lymph Nodes), Mul-vyadhi (Hemorrhoids), Gud-bransh (Prolapsed Rectum), Ashmari(Stones), Mutravaodh(Retention of Urine) and Sthanaroga (Breast Diseases), Shalya tantra should be used.
The treatment would not only give faster relief to the ailing person, but also will be beneficial in situations, where Kayachikitsa will fall short. Traditional Para-Surgical procedures like Agnikarma, Ksharakarma, Kshara Sutra and Jalukavacharana are practiced here.
- SHASTRA KARMA (GENERAL SURGERY):- Facilities for major surgeries like Appendectomy, Hernia repair, Gall bladder removal etc. with general or spinal anesthesia.
- JALOUKAVACHARANA (LEECH THERAPY):- To manage inflammatory conditions of Skin and Soft tissues, Herpes, Abscess, Blood Related diseases, etc.
- GUDAROGA CHIKITSA (ANO RECTAL CLINIC):-For the Ano-Rectal cases including Piles, Fistula Surgical and Alkaline procedures are practiced with and without anesthesia.
- VRUNA CHIKITSA (WOUND CLINIC):- Medical management by Ayurvedic drugs in chronic ulcers like Venous Ulcers, Diabetic Ulcers etc.
- RAKTHAMOKSHANA (BLOOD LETTING):- Holistic forms of Ayurveda care to effectively manage disorders due to vitiated blood, skin diseases.
- AGNIKARMA (THERAPEUTIC CAUTERIZATION):- It is a form of Ayurvedic Surgical Intervention used in Excision of Warts, Skin Eruptions, Excision of growths & pain management.
Dr Pusuluri Veeraj BAMS MS
15 years experience in Shalya Tantra Department
Ano-rectal and all General Surgeries
Dr Venkatesh Kasturi BAMS MS
Dr Pusuluri Veeraj BAMS MS
15 years experience in Shalya Tantra Department
Ano-rectal and all General Surgeries
Dr Venkatesh Kasturi BAMS MS