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Dr A Rajitha Devi – BAMS MD, NTRUS

Dr S Mahesh Kumar – BAMS M.D

About Amazing Technology process
Maecenas risus neque, placerat volutpat tempor ut, vehicula et felis.

Introducing a new healing process
Fusce vel sem finibus, rhoncus massa non, aliquam velit. Nam et est ligula.

Review Annual Medical Research
Vivamus non nulla semper diam cursus maximus. Pellentesque dignissim.

Dr Pushkala Badari BAMS MS

8 Most Underrated Workouts
Whether you're a diehard cruncher or stalwart planker, your ab workout could probably use a tune-up.

Underestimating workout music
Get fitter, faster. Burn calories quickly with this high-intensity circuit! If you've got 15 minutes, you can send fat fleeing.

Mistakes fighting with cellulitis
If your calves are stuck at skinny-kid status, then you're probably making one or more of 3 mistakes