SERVICE: – Providing every patients uncompromising and unparalleled service for achieving health and inculcate in student the value of service to mankind.
DIGNITY: – Always keeping in mind that all life is divine and it should be always treated with dignity, respect and love.
MERIT & TEAMWORK: – The environment in the institute will be fostering merit and teamwork for overall development of all individuals and achieving the mission of the institution.
RESEARCH CULTURE: – The institution shall persistently work towards initiating an environment and developing innovative and need based research for the betterment of mankind.

Seven clusters of outpatient departments
Such as Kayachikitsa[Internal/General medicine], Panchakarma, Koumarabhritya [Pediatrics], Shalakya Tantra [Ophthalmology & ENT], Shalya Tantra [Surgery], Prasuthi Tantra Evam Striroga [Obstetrics & Gynecology], Swasthavritha [Preventive medicine, Yoga & Naturopathy].