Sreeveda Institute of Ayurveda Hospital which is ISO:__ certified & NABH accredited located in the capital city of Telangana, was incepted in the year 2023. The campus is spacious and has state of art facilities in confer quality Ayurveda education to its students and specialized Ayurveda treatments to the patients visiting here. The hospital is truly world class with modern state of art diagnostic facilities that offers __ beds of patients & consulted by highly experienced doctors and attended with the support of our trained and proficient staff. Through our holistic approach of Ayurveda, Naturopathy, Therapeutic Yoga & Ancient Wisdom of Medicine, we offer end to end personalized treatments, therapies & health regimens that are time tested for preventive and curative healthcare. The hospital is a part of the Sreeveda Institute of Ayurveda Medical Sciences, an initiative of MRR Educational society.
It is enabled with seven clusters of outpatient departments such as Kayachikitsa[Internal/General medicine], Panchakarma, Koumarabhritya [Pediatrics], Shalakya Tantra [Ophthalmology & ENT], Shalya Tantra [Surgery], Prasuthi Tantra Evam Striroga [Obstetrics & Gynecology], Swasthavritha [Preventive medicine, Yoga & Naturopathy].
Services at speciality OPD
The Kayachikitsa (General medicine) and Panchakarma departments mainly focuses on managing Rheumatological diseseas, metabolic disorders, gastrointestinal disorders, skin diseases, Pulmonological diseases, liver diseases, urinary diseases, Psychiatric problems, Male infertility and Rasayana Chikitsa (rejuvenation therapy).
Panchakarma department is the super speciality department of Ayurveda which deals with the treatment modalities like Vamana (therapeutic emesis), Virechana(therapeutic purgation), Basti(Decocotion enema and oil enema), Nasya ( nasal administration of medicine0, and Raktamokshana (Blood letting).
There is an assortment of external oil application procedures such as Abhyanga( massaging the body with oil), Mardana( massaging with deep squeezing effect on the muscles), Avagaha sneha( oil tub bath), Udwarthana( massaging in proximal direction after oil application), Murdha taila(procedures of oil application to head), Karnapurana(oil filling in ears), Akshitarpana( eye therapies with medicated ghee), Padaabhyanga( oil massage of the feet) that are administered to patients depending on the nature of illness, morbidity of dosha, physical strength and their Prakruti .
All type of classical and Keraleeya Panchakarma procedures are performed in hospital by well-trained Panchakarma Technicians under the supervision of Panchakarma Consultants and Resident Medical officers.
The Koumarabhritya department (Ayurveda Paedicatrics) provides holistic care beginning from birth upto 16 years of the child. It focuses on ensuring healthier growth and development of children. Treatment and therapies for Special children is given utmost importance and care. Dedicated Bala Panchakarma is available.
The Prasooti Tantra evam Stree Roga department (Ayurveda Gynaecology and Obstetrics) Women are the corner stone for the society and their health is of utmost importance. The department focuses on 3 catogories Gynecology, Obstetrics and Preventive care.
Stree roga or Gynaecology focuses on all gynec disorders starting from menarche to menopause and beyond including PCOS, infertility, Menorrhagia, Endometriosis, PID, Fibroids, Breast fibroadenoma, Hormonal imbalance, Contraception etc
Prasooti tantra or the obstetrics deals with Antenatal care, deliveries and post-natal care.
Preventive Gynecology mainly deals with Preconceptional care or Garbha samskara ensuring physical and mental preparation for a healthier progeny, Pere menopausal care to avoid complications around and after Menopause and advocating proper menstrual care for young gairls before or after attaining menarche.
Sthanika chikitsa such as Yoni Prakshalana, Yoni Dhupana, Yoni Pichu, Sthana lepana, Kshara chikitsa, Uttara vasti, Avagaha sweda, etc give faster results when combined with appropriate internal medication.
The Shalya Tantra clinic (Ayurveda Surgery wing) in the hospital focuses on managing surgical conditions such as ano-rectal cases, non-healing ulcers, artero venous disorders and other inflammatory conditions along with all minor and majpr surgeries
The Shalakya Tantra cluster (Ayurveda Opthalmology and ENT Wing) mainly focuses on treating diseases affecting eyes, ears, nose, throat, head and teeth. This department focuses on refractive errors, conjunctivitis, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy, scleritis, retinitis pigmentosa, dry eye syndrome, various kinds of headaches, ear infections, hearing loss, acute and chronic sinusitis etc. Special therapeutic procedures known as Kriyakalpa are utilised in treating patients in this department. Eye exercise and preventive therapies for kids and people working with more screen time is highly beneficial.
Swasthavrittha (Preventive medicine) Department: An independent centralised Pathyahara Unit(Ayurveda diet) is set up in the the hospital to take care of the dietic requirements of all the in-patients of the hospital.. Lifestyle diseases like Diabetes, PCOD, Hypertension, Obesity, Thyroid dysfunctions etc are effectively managed by application of Oushadha (special Ayurveda medications) and Pathyahara (Ayurvedic diet).
Special Programmes
Wellness Programmes: Specially crafted wellness programmes either weekly, monthly or annually can be utilised by the public for improvement of health. The package includes different therapies based on the individual, their profession and the need. Preventive care for eye, spine, wrist, joints are curated based on need. Stress relieving therapies ensures physical and mental wellbeing.
Swarna Prashana: This special medicine to improve memory, intelligence, immunity and overall health is a boon to mankind. This is a mix of authentic herbal powders with Swarna bhasma(Gold Bhasma). This can be taken in 2 different ways – everyday or once a month.
Everyday swarnaprashan is designed especially for immune compromised individuals be it child or adult. This helps in improving nonspecific immunity and also avods relapse of auto immune disorders. To maintain health, immunity, memory and to improve overall health, Swarnaprashan is given once a month on Pushyami Nakshatra for all age groups esp children.
Spine care – Rehabilitation services: Rehabilitation for spinal injuries is focused on protecting and restoring as much bodily function as possible. Effective rehabilitation following a spinal injury is crucial for the patient’s long-term well-being and recovery prospects. Recovering from a spinal injury is a long and complicated process, but tailored made inpatient rehabilitation can go a long way in improving patient outcomes. Rehabilitation aims to strengthen the muscles and the neural pathways between the spine and body tissue, in the hopes of restoring sensation and function. One of the most important features of rehabilitation for spinal injuries is preventing and managing stiffness and tension in the limbs and joints.
Spinal cord rehabilitation requires a comprehensive and holistic approach, so inpatient rehabilitation is often the most effective option. Inpatient rehabilitation after back surgery or injury has many benefits.
Physiotherapy unit: Fully equipped Physiotherapy unit catering to both in-patients and out-patients along with Ayurveda consultation and treatments ensures faster recovery.
Yoga and Naturotherapy: General yoga and Pranayama training programs for public and patients are conducted in the hospital. Special Garbini yoga and bala yoga to promote healthy nation is organised. Naturotherapy acts as complementary to ayurvedic medicines and treatments. Naturotherapy includes the 5 basic elements and treating with them.
i. Earth – Mud baths, Hot mud packs, Ganji turmeric bath
ii. Water – Immersions and enema
iii. Air – Reflexology walks, Breathing exercises, Outdoor walking
iv. Fire – Oil baths and Dry and Oil based Fomentation therapies
v. Ether – Fasting therapy- fruits, vegetables and herbal juices
Complementory support for Oncology: We are seeing sharp increasing in cancer cases. There are many medicines, therapies and diet regulations to improve the condition.
Cosmetology Unit: There is chemical in everything that we use starting from Paste, soap, shampoo, hair dye, cosmetics etc. Beauty is becoming more and more dangerous. We provide natural care along with modern techniques to improve hair care, skin care and over all cosmetic care.
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