Unlocking the Golden Benefits of Swarnaprashan: Enhancing Immunity and Vitality

Swarnaprashan is an ancient immunization technique. The term ‘Swarna’ refers to gold and ‘Prashana’ refers to consuming or ingesting. The original reference for this technique is mentioned in Kashyapa Samhita. It is a process of administering Gold calx in very minute quantities with potent herbs. Swarnaprashan is also called by other names- SuvarnaBindu and Swarna amrit. What is Swarnaprashan? Swarnaprashan is an ancient immunization technique. The term ‘Swarna’ refers to gold and ‘Prashana’ refers to consuming or ingesting. The original reference for this technique is mentioned in Kashyapa Samhita. It is a process of administering Gold calx in very minute quantities with potent herbs. Swarnaprashan is also called by other names- SuvarnaBindu and Swarna amrit. Gold Bhasma, is an important ingredient in variuos medicines used in improving memory, concentration, immunity, libido, vitality and also to mitigate arthritis, aging, inflammation, infection, diabetes, infertility, neurological issues etc. It is an integral part of various Ayurvedic Rasayanas (rejuvenators). It has the power to enhance ‘Ojas’ which is the foundation of health and immunity in Ayurveda. Gold is also used in treatment of cancers and forms an important part of beauty therapies as it bestows one with glowing and healthy skin. Gold is praised for its ‘Medhya’ Properties -which enhances mental alertness, concentration, understanding capacity, higher mental functions, short term and long term memory. It is found to be very effective in Autism spectrum disorders too.

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